Um Campo magnético é uma região do espaço onde se manifesta o magnetismo, através das chamadas acções magnéticas. Estas acções verificam-se à distância e apenas algumas substâncias são influenciadas pelo campo magnético.

segunda-feira, janeiro 21

Hilary went to the Catholic Church because she wanted information
The vicar, or whatever, took her to one side and gave her confirmation
Saint Theresa's calling her, the church up on the hill is looking lovely
But it doesn't interest, the only things she wants to know is
How and why and when and where to go
How and why and when and where to follow

But if you are feeling sinister
Go off and see a minister
He'll try in vain to take away the pain of being a hopeless unbeliever

in If You're Feeling Sinister by Belle an Sebastian

Este canção que dá o nome ao album, alem de ser bonita... it's full of meaning's... mereçe ficar aqui e não ir para o Meaningless. Já agora... Alguem já viu o Meaningless!?

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