Um Campo magnético é uma região do espaço onde se manifesta o magnetismo, através das chamadas acções magnéticas. Estas acções verificam-se à distância e apenas algumas substâncias são influenciadas pelo campo magnético.

quinta-feira, fevereiro 28

Cocktail Molotov

* Gasolina
* Óleo de motor
* Garrafa de vidro (qualquer uma)
* Rolha
* Pano ou meia velha ( ou nova mesmo!!! )


Encha metade da garrafa com a gasolina e adicione um pouco do óleo de motor, de seguida ponha metade do pano para dentro e metade para fora da garrafa. Coloque a rolha de modo que ela prense o pano no gargalo da garrafa.
Para servir ateie fogo na ponta do pano e atire a garrafa para longe.

terça-feira, fevereiro 26

the car's on fire and there's no driver at the wheel
and the sewers are all muddied with a thousand lonely suicides
and a dark wind blows
the government is corrupt
and we're on so many drugs
with the radio on and the curtains drawn

we're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine
and the machine is bleeding to death

the sun has fallen down
and the billboards are all leering
and the flags are all dead at the top of their poles

it went like this:

the buildings tumbled in on themselves
mothers clutching babies picked through the rubble
and pulled out their hair

the skyline was beautiful on fire
all twisted metal stretching upwards
everything washed in a thin orange haze

i said: "kiss me, you're beautiful -
these are truly the last days"

you grabbed my hand and we fell into it
like a daydream or a fever

we woke up one morning and fell a little further down -
for sure it's the valley of death

i open up my wallet
and it's full of blood

this monologue appears at the beginning of the dead flag blues from the album f#a#oo of GYBE!

domingo, fevereiro 17

It’s just a lark, a little game
and darling we’ve all felt the same.
It’s just a fad, a passing stage
a product of this anxious age.

sexta-feira, fevereiro 15

Clique em dos icons por baixo e veija um concerto de Sigur Rós

terça-feira, fevereiro 12

Protect me from myself.

terça-feira, fevereiro 5

On Saturday I was an angel shining fair
You shone louder, longer
You put my shine to shame

sexta-feira, fevereiro 1

Esta imagem, foi uma espécie de preságio.....
Mal sabia eu... força ai amigo.