Um Campo magnético é uma região do espaço onde se manifesta o magnetismo, através das chamadas acções magnéticas. Estas acções verificam-se à distância e apenas algumas substâncias são influenciadas pelo campo magnético.

domingo, abril 14

If I were Napoleon, you could be my Josephine.
We could go to drive-in films in my red convertible.
If I were Napoleon, I might be in magazines.
I'd write some science fiction - science fiction about you.
You could be my Josephine: just you and your chaperone.
Let you be my Josephine, Josephine.
If I were Napoleon, you could be my lady love.
Look into my soft blue eyes. Run your fingers through my hair.
If I were Napoleon, you could be my turtle-dove
living out in Corsica in our summer cottages
and you could be my Josephine and we could be Siamese twins.
Let you be my Josephine, Josephine.

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