Um Campo magnético é uma região do espaço onde se manifesta o magnetismo, através das chamadas acções magnéticas. Estas acções verificam-se à distância e apenas algumas substâncias são influenciadas pelo campo magnético.

sexta-feira, março 22

The Luckiest Guy on the Lower East Side

Andy would bicycle across town
in the rain to bring you candy
and John would buy the gown
for you to wear to the prom
with Tom the astronomer
who'd name a star for you

(C): But I'm the luckiest guy
on the Lower East Side
cause I've got wheels
and you want to go for a ride.

Harry is the one I think you'll marry
but it's Chris that you kissed
after school
well I'm a fool, there's no doubt
but when the sun comes out
and only when the sun comes out (C)

The day is beautiful and so are you
My car is ugly but then I'm ugly too
I know you'd never give me a second glance
but when the weather's nice all the other guys don't stand a chance

I know Professor Blumen
makes you feel like a woman
but when the wind is in your hair
you laugh like a little girl

So you share secrets with Lou
but we've got secrets too
Well, one: I only keep this heap for you

cause I'm the ugliest guy
on the Lower East Side
but I've got wheels
and you want to go for a ride

Want to go for a ride? (x3)

Sthephin Merritt

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